Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference Shāhābād, IndiaShāhābādIndia

What time is it?

Current local time inShāhābād India

What day is it in Shāhābād right now?

Sunday (September 8, 2024)

Indian Standard TimeIST

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time

In this time zone there is no Daylight Saving Time in use.
Time Zone Calculator

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Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -12:30 hours
Mexico City -11:30 hours
New York -9:30 hours
São Paulo -8:30 hours
London -4:30 hours
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome -3:30 hours
Mumbai No time difference
Hong Kong +2:30 hours
Tokyo +3:30 hours
Sydney +4:30 hours

The sun in Shāhābād
Today, September 8, 2024

Sunrise Shāhābād


5:55 am

Local time
Sunset Shāhābād


6:27 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • Sahabad
  • Shahabad
  • Shāhābād
  • Sāhābād


Shāhābād is a city in India.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is Asia/Kolkata.


34,962 People

Major cities in the vicinity of Shāhābād (Rāmpur, Uttar Pradesh)

Rāmpur ... 27 km
Morādābād ... 36 km
Bareilly ... 41 km
Shāhjānpur ... 105 km
Alīgarh ... 107 km
Meerut ... 114 km
Greater Noida ... 119 km
Ghāziābād ... 127 km
Noida ... 135 km
Faridabad ... 137 km
Delhi ... 143 km
New Delhi ... 144 km
Muzaffarnagar ... 145 km
Karol Bāgh ... 146 km
Narela ... 157 km
Rohini ... 157 km
Mathura ... 159 km
Najafgarh ... 163 km
Fīrozābād ... 164 km
Sonīpat ... 167 km
Agra ... 172 km
Pānīpat ... 187 km
Sahāranpur ... 194 km
Rohtak ... 197 km
Etāwah ... 197 km
Dehra Dūn ... 209 km
Alwar ... 221 km
Lucknow ... 245 km
Kanpur ... 255 km
Gwalior ... 266 km

India India: Neighbouring Countries