Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference El Realejo, NicaraguaEl RealejoNicaragua

What time is it?

Current local time inEl Realejo Nicaragua

What day is it in El Realejo right now?

Saturday (September 7, 2024)

Central Standard Time (North America)CST

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time

In this time zone there is no Daylight Saving Time in use.
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El Realejo

Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -1 hour
Mexico City No time difference
New York +2 hours
São Paulo +3 hours
London +7 hours
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome +8 hours
Mumbai +11:30 hours
Hong Kong +14 hours
Tokyo +15 hours
Sydney +16 hours

The sun in El Realejo
Today, September 7, 2024

Sunrise El Realejo


5:37 am

Local time
Sunset El Realejo


5:54 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • El Realejo
  • Realejo


El Realejo is a city in Nicaragua.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is America/Managua.


6,208 People

Major cities in the vicinity of El Realejo (Chinandega)

Managua ... 86 km
Tegucigalpa ... 170 km
Soyapango ... 204 km
San Salvador ... 206 km
San Pedro Sula ... 333 km
Villa Nueva ... 350 km
Guatemala City ... 354 km
Mixco ... 359 km
San José ... 379 km
Tuxtla ... 665 km
San Miguelito ... 726 km
Panamá ... 726 km
Villahermosa ... 756 km
Oaxaca ... 913 km
Mérida ... 949 km
Cancún ... 950 km
Cartagena ... 962 km
Montería ... 995 km
Barranquilla ... 1006 km
Sincelejo ... 1007 km
Soledad ... 1009 km
Kingston ... 1024 km
Veracruz ... 1025 km
New Kingston ... 1026 km
Santa Marta ... 1048 km
Puebla ... 1136 km
Valledupar ... 1137 km
Bello ... 1153 km

Nicaragua Nicaragua: Neighbouring Countries