New Zealand is located in the South West of the Pacific Ocean. Its nearest neighbor is Australia which is approximately 1,500 kilometers west of New Zealand. The country is composed of a series of Island with the two biggest being the North Island and the South Island. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington which is located at the bottom of the North Island. New Zealand features two different time zones. The most populated North and South Islands use New Zealand Standard Time (NZST). This is twelve hours before Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC). The other time zone is Chatham Standard Time (CHAST) which is twelve hours and forty five minutes before UTC. Interestingly many locations on Antarctica also use NZST time including the Admunsden-Scott South Pole Station.
New Zealand has 2 time zones and a time difference from UTC+12 to UTC+12:45.
Time Zone | Universal Time Coordinated | Current local time | Major Cities in Time Zone |
Pacific/Auckland | UTC+12 | 00:37 | Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Manukau City, North Shore |
Pacific/Chatham | UTC+12:45 | 01:22 | Waitangi |
268,680 km²
Dollar (NZD)
Source: » New Zealand Phone Calling Code / Prefix