Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference Siler City, United StatesSiler CityUnited States

What time is it?

Current local time inSiler City United States

What day is it in Siler City right now?

Saturday (September 7, 2024)

Eastern Daylight Time (North America)EDT

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time EDT: Eastern Daylight Time (North America)

Currently in use

Standard Time EST: Eastern Standard Time (North America)


Latest clock change
to Daylight Saving Time

Time Change in Siler City to Daylight Saving Time from 2:00 am to 3:00 am

Sunday, March 10, 2024

1 hour forward

from 2:00 am to 3:00 am

Next time change
to Standard Time

Time Change in Siler City to Standard Time from 2:00 am to 1:00 am

Sunday, November 3, 2024

1 hour back

from 2:00 am to 1:00 am

Time Zone Calculator

Time Zone Converter (Time Difference Calculator)

Compare the local time of two timezones, countries or cities of the world.

Siler City

Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -3 hours
Mexico City -2 hours
New York No time difference
São Paulo +1 hour
London +5 hours
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome +6 hours
Mumbai +9:30 hours
Hong Kong +12 hours
Tokyo +13 hours
Sydney +14 hours

The sun in Siler City
Today, September 7, 2024

Sunrise Siler City


6:55 am

Local time
Sunset Siler City


7:34 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • Matthews Cross Roads
  • Sajler Siti
  • Siler City
  • Silers Station
  • Silers Store
  • sylr syty karwlynay shmaly
  • Сајлер Сити
  • سیلر سیتی، کارولینای شمالی


Siler City is a city in United States.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is America/New_York.


8,396 People

Elevation above sea level


Major cities in the vicinity of Siler City (Chatham County, North Carolina)

Greensboro ... 47 km
Durham ... 55 km
West Raleigh ... 65 km
Raleigh ... 67 km
Charlotte ... 124 km
Virginia Beach ... 306 km
Meads ... 394 km
Ironville ... 397 km
Washington ... 400 km
Atlanta ... 450 km
Baltimore ... 454 km
Pittsburgh ... 521 km
Columbus ... 546 km
Cincinnati ... 551 km
Philadelphia ... 579 km
Nashville ... 588 km
Jacksonville ... 619 km
Cleveland ... 661 km
Staten Island ... 682 km
Newark ... 696 km
Indianapolis ... 697 km
Brooklyn ... 699 km
Jersey City ... 700 km
New York City ... 702 km
Queens ... 708 km
Manhattan ... 710 km
The Bronx ... 720 km
Toledo ... 731 km
Fort Wayne ... 748 km

United States United States: Neighbouring Countries