Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference Mīr Bachah Kōṯ, AfghanistanMīr Bachah KōṯAfghanistan

What time is it?

Current local time inMīr Bachah Kōṯ Afghanistan

What day is it in Mīr Bachah Kōṯ right now?

Monday (September 16, 2024)

Time Zone: UTC+4:30

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time

In this time zone there is no Daylight Saving Time in use.
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Mīr Bachah Kōṯ

Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -11:30 hours
Mexico City -10:30 hours
New York -8:30 hours
São Paulo -7:30 hours
London -3:30 hours
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome -2:30 hours
Mumbai +1 hour
Hong Kong +3:30 hours
Tokyo +4:30 hours
Sydney +5:30 hours

The sun in Mīr Bachah Kōṯ
Today, September 16, 2024

Sunrise Mīr Bachah Kōṯ


5:37 am

Local time
Sunset Mīr Bachah Kōṯ


5:59 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • Mir Bachah Kot
  • Mir Bachcheh Kowt
  • Mir Bachcheh Kut
  • Mir Bachchen Kut
  • Mir Bacheh Kowt
  • Mir Bacheh Kut
  • Mir Dacha Kote
  • Mirbaca Kot
  • Mirbachakot
  • Mīr Bachah Kōṯ
  • Mīr Bachcheh Kowt
  • Mīr Bachcheh Kūt
  • Mīr Bachchen Kūt
  • Mīr Bacheh Kowt
  • Mīr Bacheh Kūt
  • Mīrbača Kot
  • Sara-ye Khvajeh
  • Sara-ye Khwajah
  • Sarai Khwaja
  • Saray Khvajah
  • Saray-Khwaja
  • Saraykhodzha
  • Sarā-ye Khvājeh
  • Sarā-ye Khwājah
  • Sarāi Khwāja
  • Sarāy Khvājah
  • Saṟāy-Khwāja
  • myr bchh kwt
  • sray khwajh
  • سرای خواجه
  • مير بچه كوت
  • میر بچه کوټ


Mīr Bachah Kōṯ is a city in Afghanistan.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is Asia/Kabul.


5,405 People

Major cities in the vicinity of Mīr Bachah Kōṯ (Kabul)

Kabul ... 25 km
Jalālābād ... 113 km
Peshawar ... 214 km
Mardan ... 243 km
Mingora ... 260 km
Mazār-e Sharīf ... 269 km
Battagram ... 313 km
Islamabad ... 334 km
Rawalpindi ... 339 km
Muzaffarābād ... 351 km
Kotli ... 406 km
Sargodha ... 409 km
Dushanbe ... 418 km
Kandahār ... 440 km
Bhimber ... 443 km
Jhang Sadr ... 461 km
Srinagar ... 461 km
Gujrat ... 464 km
Faisalabad ... 486 km
Gujranwala ... 496 km
Sialkot ... 500 km
Jammu ... 511 km
Shekhupura ... 514 km
Qarshi ... 525 km
Quetta ... 531 km
Multan ... 536 km
Lahore ... 547 km
Herāt ... 556 km
Samarkand ... 567 km
Istaravshan ... 569 km

Afghanistan Afghanistan: Neighbouring Countries

Other Time Zones with UTC +4:30