Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference Paghmān, AfghanistanPaghmānAfghanistan

What time is it?

Current local time inPaghmān Afghanistan

What day is it in Paghmān right now?

Monday (September 16, 2024)

Time Zone: UTC+4:30

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time

In this time zone there is no Daylight Saving Time in use.
Time Zone Calculator

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Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -11:30 hours
Mexico City -10:30 hours
New York -8:30 hours
São Paulo -7:30 hours
London -3:30 hours
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome -2:30 hours
Mumbai +1 hour
Hong Kong +3:30 hours
Tokyo +4:30 hours
Sydney +5:30 hours

The sun in Paghmān
Today, September 16, 2024

Sunrise Paghmān


5:38 am

Local time
Sunset Paghmān


5:59 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • Paghman
  • Paghman Palace
  • Paghmān
  • Pagman
  • pghman
  • Пагман
  • پغمان


Paghmān is a city in Afghanistan.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is Asia/Kabul.


49,157 People

Major cities in the vicinity of Paghmān (Kabul)

Kabul ... 19 km
Jalālābād ... 122 km
Peshawar ... 220 km
Mardan ... 252 km
Mingora ... 274 km
Mazār-e Sharīf ... 276 km
Battagram ... 326 km
Islamabad ... 341 km
Rawalpindi ... 346 km
Muzaffarābād ... 363 km
Sargodha ... 406 km
Kotli ... 414 km
Kandahār ... 418 km
Dushanbe ... 435 km
Bhimber ... 447 km
Jhang Sadr ... 454 km
Gujrat ... 466 km
Srinagar ... 472 km
Faisalabad ... 482 km
Gujranwala ... 498 km
Sialkot ... 503 km
Quetta ... 509 km
Shekhupura ... 513 km
Jammu ... 515 km
Multan ... 524 km
Qarshi ... 534 km
Herāt ... 541 km
Lahore ... 546 km
Amritsar ... 576 km
Samarkand ... 580 km

Afghanistan Afghanistan: Neighbouring Countries

Other Time Zones with UTC +4:30