Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference Satsumasendai, JapanSatsumasendaiJapan

What time is it?

Current local time inSatsumasendai Japan

What day is it in Satsumasendai right now?

Sunday (September 8, 2024)

Japan Standard TimeJST

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time

In this time zone there is no Daylight Saving Time in use.
Time Zone Calculator

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Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -16 hours
Mexico City -15 hours
New York -13 hours
São Paulo -12 hours
London -8 hours
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome -7 hours
Mumbai -3:30 hours
Hong Kong -1 hour
Tokyo No time difference
Sydney +1 hour

The sun in Satsumasendai
Today, September 8, 2024

Sunrise Satsumasendai


5:58 am

Local time
Sunset Satsumasendai


6:34 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • Sacuma-Sendaj
  • Sacumasendaj
  • Satsumasendai
  • Satumasendai-chhi
  • Satumasendai-chhī
  • Sendai
  • Sendaj
  • Sendajus
  • chuan nei
  • chuan nei shi
  • sa mo chuan nei
  • sa mo chuan nei shi
  • sasseumasendai si
  • satswmasnday kagwshyma
  • satswmasynday
  • Сатсумасендаи
  • Сацума-Сендай
  • Сацумасендай
  • Сацумасендај
  • Сендай
  • ساتسوماسندای، کاگوشیما
  • ساتسوماسينداي
  • 川内
  • 川内市
  • 薩摩川內市
  • 薩摩川内
  • 사쓰마센다이 시


Satsumasendai is a city in Japan.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is Asia/Tokyo.


73,132 People

Major cities in the vicinity of Satsumasendai (Satsuma-sendai Shi, Kagoshima)

Kagoshima ... 35 km
Miyazaki ... 91 km
Nagasaki ... 108 km
Kumamoto ... 114 km
Kurume ... 166 km
Ōita ... 188 km
Fukuoka ... 197 km
Kitakyushu ... 229 km
Shimonoseki ... 241 km
Matsuyama ... 298 km
Kochi ... 322 km
Hiroshima ... 333 km
Jeju City ... 356 km
Busan ... 376 km
Fukuyama ... 383 km
Yeosu ... 387 km
Kimhae ... 393 km
Changwon ... 397 km
Yangsan ... 401 km
Takamatsu ... 409 km
Chinju ... 412 km
Kurashiki ... 412 km
Ulsan ... 417 km
Tokushima ... 422 km
Okayama ... 427 km
Mokpo ... 455 km
Gwangju ... 457 km
Masan ... 458 km
Daegu ... 467 km
Minato ... 470 km